Thursday 5 April 2012

Batman: The Dark Knight

So, I didn't like how indecisive "Rachel" was. She made an old promise to Bruce that when Gotham no longer needed Batman she would be with him and she would wait. But Harvey got into the middle of all that. Soon after her and Harvey started dating and got serious she was convinced that although Gotham may no longer need Batman that Bruce would still need Batman. When Harvey asked her to marry him, she didn't know what she wanted, it wasn't until near the end of their final hour that she screamed "YES!". When she told Mr.Butler man "it's not sealed" until that point in time, neither was her feelings for either Bruce or Harvey. Rachel mentioned in her note that never made it to Bruce, it read "If you lose your faith in me, never lose your faith in people", just going by what she said, I felt it was more meant for Harvey in the end. When she died, Harvey completely and entirely lost his faith in people.

Bruce Wayne and Harvey Dent. BW (which can stand for between - Just like the relationship between Bruce and Rachel) and HD (High Definition - better choice because he wouldn't be out all hours of the night ~ he would do it in the day light).

The main theme I got from the movie was even the good can become corrupt. Harvey who was supposed to be the White Knight of Gotham, get Rachel, clean the streets of criminals and scum, become forever loved, untouchable and not scared of anything. But, of course this was all ruined and it didn't come as a surprise because the plan was ruined since the beginning. "No one panics about planned things, because it's a part of the plan". Sometimes the truth isn't good enough.

During a press conference when asked what Batman did right, Harvey said "Saving my ass". I thought it was kind of interesting because out of all the things he could do right, such as the real batman coming out, the most right thing he did was saving Harvey's butt. Comimisoner Gordon saved Batman when Batman wouldn't run over Joker, the last scene was Batman telling CG to release the dogs on him. Batman wanted to be caught, be brought to Justice and not be held above the law. "Master Wayne" was the guardian of Gotham, the Dark Knight. He wasn't a hero, he was something more. There was question whether it was 'too much power for one man'. Everyone believes in good until their hopes are completely shattered.

The Joker had the idealogy that having no rules is the only way to live. He was right, if you have no rules, you wouldn't have to bother whether you should break or follow your morals because you had no rules. The Joker was a man dog chasing a car, he wouldn't know what to do with it if he ever caught it, he just went with the flow. The Joker was indestuctable, he was always the first one up from any accident (when the rig that tipped over, he was the first one out and walking about). I don't think anyone else noticed what the nig rig they stole read, it read "Best medical", I thought it was kind of funny because he was laughing every time he shot the gun at the swat truck because it's implying laughter is the best medicine. The Joker was the agent of Chaos, he was sick and twisted because of his childhood and how he father treated him and his mother. Joker explained that Chaos was fair and unbias. The Joker said "If you don't want to be in the game, get out now"to the mob members because "It's not about the money, it's about the message".

People can only be as good as the world allows them to be. Harvey made his own luck with his double headed coin. It was two faced, just like his personality. In the end, chances are both light and dark (live or die). When Harvey was talking with Commisoner Gordon about having to lie to his family, he said "Then you can look me in the eye and tell me you know how I felt" or something along those lines, he pointed he at left eye, which was the eye, the messed up and dark eye. You either die a hero or live long enough to see yourself become a villian. Sometimes, you have to do bad things for the greater. There is a thin line between good and evil and it isn't that hard to slip when you lose faith in those you trusted most.

When Harvey proclaimed he was Batman during the press conference, Rachel was extremely disappointed that Bruce let him take the fall, the joker also had an input on the situation. He's input was "Dent took your place, for a guy like me, even that's low", suggesting even though the Joker is scum, there is a lower low. Even though Batman leaves no traces behing, Batman could be anyone but at the same time, how has all the time and money to do such a thing? It could only be Bruce Wayne. "As long this machine is at Wayne Enterprises, I won't be" said Freeman's character, I think everyone knew at that point that Batman did all he could and he is just causing too much trouble and chaos that it's time to hang up the bat cape and live a normal life and leave the crime fighting for the police.

My last point to make is that the "good" are white, rich and admired when the "bad" guys are freaks, foreignors and either are stupid or mental ill. When the seems to be italian thug said to the prostitute looking chick "What makes you think I want to hear you talk?" when she asked if they could go some where quiet to talk, that woman are just objects and men are superior.

Well.... That is the end of my observations.. I loved the movie and now even though I finally get all the messages and themes of the movie (some aren't great), I still love the movie and everyone should have a great easter break!

Sunday 19 February 2012

Age of Pursuation

So, one day Mike and I were sitting down drinking coffee and he mentioned that there is a CBC pod cast that our class should look into. I think it's perfect for our class! It's called Age of Pursuation with Terry O'Reilly. The gest of the show is "The Age of Persuasion explores the countless ways marketers permeate your life, from media, art, and language, to politics, religion, and fashion."

So check it out! :)

Friday 3 February 2012

Bitter-sweet influence

Cultures are influenced by the outside media. Whether it is for good or bad, whether the gain is sweet or bitter. The problem with outside influence is that cultures can lose their identity. What I mean by this is cultures can  get coverage and be more broadly know and recognized, celebrating their unique qualities and diverse knowledge. But also, they can also be more interested in an other culture rather than their own. For example, when the whalers came to the North, Inuit wanted what they Caucasians had to offer, such things as guns, vehicles, motors, etc, rather than using their previous knowledge. I believe that cultures should be able to see/hear/watch whatever appeals to them, it can be Canadian, American, Russian, Italian, Spanish and the list goes on and on. The point is that you can gain some much more perspective and understanding of how things and the world operates. Another example, the Shafia trail, where they are from, I'm just going to say Pakistan (very bad assumption, I know, shame on me), it was okay for them to murder their children because they brought shame upon their family name because of the way they dressed, boyfriends and such, but in our culture, Canadian culture, it is not in the slightest just. There is more to the world than just one culture. What might be fine and dandy with Inuit culture, might not be okay in the Romanian culture. We should not limit our selves in terms of knowledge, but we should not lose our identity, whether it would be Inuit, Canadian or American, whatever your culture is. As long as you are in touch with your identity and comfort with where you from, they knock your self out with the awesome British accents. (I know I would never shut up if I had a British accent). So, as long as you are comfortable in your own skin and would benefit from outside media/culture, than you have nothing to lose but only more to gain to become a well-rounded person.  -E

Are you also uneducated?

In the past few days, I've been paying particular attention when I've been driving to the radio. I just do not understand what they believe to be "pop culture", have you ever heard the songs they play? It's absolutely ridiculous. There is this one song, which I do not like at all but yet I still sing along. But that is not the point I am trying to make. The song goes something like "All day, all night, all day, all night, all day, all night, when I first came to Spain and I saw people partying I thought to myself WTF", is she utterly uneducated? Italians are party people! Have you ever drinking with an Italian person? (Of course you have not... most of you are underaged and do not condone in such activities) They are so outgoing and enjoy a good bottle of wine or two. I remember this one time........well, that time is not in topic of discussion right now, maybe another time.Well, I suppose I should write more some time in the near future. -E

Tuesday 31 January 2012

Your trend, his fad and my icon

So, I know you maybe be wondering why I named my title "Your trend, his fad and my icon". Well, I write it off in different sections, three sections, that way you get the picture, the bigger picture.

#trending is the latest thing on MTV. (I believe even the '#' is just a fad) but seriously, here are some things I believe to be currently trending: Turtle necks, Ray-ban glasses, Uggs (Did you know that it's short for "ugly"?), hair extensions, Bench brand, and many other things but I do not care to list them because they are utterly stupid and are not worth mentioning (You know what I'm talking about Soul patch - link) I don't believe in following trends. Because most of them are stupid and everyone else is doing it, why not be your own person? I do not believe in conforming with the rest of society, and no.. Just because people are wearing a certain piece of clothing that I won't but generally, if it says something retarded like "BENCH" on the back, I won't wear it. Bench is a place to sit, not something you wear. Most trends become fads and some times are revived but generally are buried underground, where they belong.

Fads are such things as Heely - wheelie shoes, guitar hero (number 5 was my favourite! ..I admit it might have to do with the song Mumbo number 5 which is not associated any way with guitar hero, but seriously, you know it was the best if you played) and possible the worst fad ever.....SIDE BURNS. Jesus, side burns were a fad for a reason, they are horrible hair that does not belong on one's face. What man walks around feeling proud of the hair that grows out too far down your face and makes you look like you do not know how to shave? Well, I suppose I do give them props for being able to grow atleast some facial hair. But, I have to say... There was one time I was at the store and this teenage bum clerk had side burns and I swear he looks like Billy-Ray Cyrus without the the soul-patch, minus the ugly long hair. There are very good reasons why such trending things because fads - because it was a quick, premature thought to purchasing the item.

My icon, this does not necessarily imply that they are MY icons, just the ones I am more proud of. Iconism is a great status to reach, it means you beat fads in a sword fight and slayed it to the core. This also means you are more than a trending moment, and for that I shall give you a high five Mr.Icon status reacher. Steve Jobs is a really being icon right now (ha ha, notice the double negative? An icon lasts longer than trends - therefore cannot be just for the moment). Bob and Doug McKenzie, Don Cherry and also Celine Dion. Well, this completes "Your trend, his fad and my icon". Before I go I have two things I would like to mention. One being I choose specific colours, font adjustments and such things for a reason: I hope you can figure them out. (I.E: Why I choose red and what have you) Second, I will end this off with a quote:

"Not that I condone fascism, or any -ism for that matter. -Ism's in my opinion are not good. A person should not believe in an -ism, he should believe in himself. I quote John Lennon, "I don't believe in Beatles, I just believe in me." Good point there. After all, he was the walrus. I could be the walrus. I'd still have to bum rides off people."
-Ferris Bueller

......anyone else excited for the new Ferris Bueller movie coming out?!?! SAVE FERRIS!          -E